(too old to reply)
2007-11-20 03:14:58 UTC
those assholes sold out to the dutch for 220 million......now my account
is owned by a bunch of socialists who permit child porno and drug
dealing to fund thier " bankrupt socialist paradise" and the last time i
checked ING corp WAS OVER 330 BILLION IN DEBT !!!!!!!! just great !

" Repeal NAFTA"
nafta stands for "north american free trade agreement"
2007-11-20 05:56:28 UTC
Post by c***@webtv.net
those assholes sold out to the dutch for 220 million......now my account
is owned by a bunch of socialists who permit child porno and drug
dealing to fund thier " bankrupt socialist paradise" and the last time i
checked ING corp WAS OVER 330 BILLION IN DEBT !!!!!!!! just great !
" Repeal NAFTA"
nafta stands for "north american free trade agreement"
Used to think you was some kinda half negro right wing nut job, now
your just half assed insane.
ING is one of the finest financial institutions on earth & dutch pot
is something
a rednecked cocksucker like you should be on instead of prozac.

I smell GAR . . . .
2007-11-20 19:51:17 UTC
yah, i figured you were a stupid left wing pot smoking doped up
fuckhead. your reply to my post proved that. after the 101 gets done
with you.......hahahah i will just wait .......

" Repeal NAFTA"
nafta stands for "north american free trade agreement"
Just A User
2007-11-20 12:16:13 UTC
Post by c***@webtv.net
those assholes sold out to the dutch for 220 million......now my account
is owned by a bunch of socialists who permit child porno and drug
dealing to fund thier " bankrupt socialist paradise" and the last time i
checked ING corp WAS OVER 330 BILLION IN DEBT !!!!!!!! just great !
" Repeal NAFTA"
nafta stands for "north american free trade agreement"
yeah I had an email from them about it in my inbox this morning. But
thats okay, the last time I checked I only had a 47 cent balance with no
Charlie Perrin
2007-11-20 16:15:17 UTC
Post by c***@webtv.net
those assholes sold out to the dutch for 220 million......
ING is a great company. Made a slug of money on it.

I commented to them once that they needed a low-cost broker under
their ING DIRECT banner. They wrote back that at that time they didn't
have any plans like that. Guess they reconsidered.
Just A User
2007-11-20 16:28:46 UTC
Post by Charlie Perrin
Post by c***@webtv.net
those assholes sold out to the dutch for 220 million......
ING is a great company. Made a slug of money on it.
I commented to them once that they needed a low-cost broker under
their ING DIRECT banner. They wrote back that at that time they didn't
have any plans like that. Guess they reconsidered.
Low cost? I wouldn't really call sharebuilder low cost. The only way
they are low cost is if you sign up for their basic plan and then you
only get 4 automatic trades per month. Or at least thats what I remember
about them.
2007-11-20 19:48:08 UTC
i just put into their money market account until i save up to buy a
significant amount of shares at one time, instead of getting charged 4
bucks for smal buys every month.
and ANY company carrying over 300 BILLION in debt is not a great
company, it is a trainwreck waiting to happen. maybe the taxes are so
high in socialized medicine netherlads that they plan on moving to
america where their profits would skyrocket ?

" Repeal NAFTA"
nafta stands for "north american free trade agreement"
Charlie Perrin
2007-11-21 05:26:39 UTC
Post by c***@webtv.net
and ANY company carrying over 300 BILLION in debt is not a great
company, it is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
Their total assets are several times their debts.
Post by c***@webtv.net
maybe the taxes are so high in socialized medicine netherlads
that they plan on moving to america where their profits would
skyrocket ?
Their average tax rate is about 16%.
Don S
2007-11-21 19:57:59 UTC
Post by Charlie Perrin
Post by c***@webtv.net
and ANY company carrying over 300 BILLION in debt is not a great
company, it is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
Their total assets are several times their debts.
Post by c***@webtv.net
maybe the taxes are so high in socialized medicine netherlads
that they plan on moving to america where their profits would
skyrocket ?
Their average tax rate is about 16%.
That may be the average tax rate but what is the tax rate on a
corporation making about $1 billion dollars per year?
2007-11-21 22:54:07 UTC
yah, their totlal asets are worth a few times over their debt. not their
liquid assets. if they had to sell those asets to pay off debt, then
they would be out of business or at least close to it becaue there would
be barely any buildings left to work out of.

" Repeal NAFTA"
nafta stands for "north american free trade agreement"
2007-11-21 23:17:29 UTC
Post by c***@webtv.net
yah, their totlal asets are worth a few times over their debt. not their
liquid assets. if they had to sell those asets to pay off debt, then
they would be out of business or at least close to it becaue there would
be barely any buildings left to work out of.
" Repeal NAFTA"
nafta stands for "north american free trade agreement"
So, using your very same logic, the Untied Stakes is dead, bankrupt &
finished . . . without giving its citizens the manyfold benefits of
healthcare & education.
Still waiting for the 101 to show up so we can smoke a joint and laugh
about what a pussy-assed pansy you are. See, i can always quit
the finest marihuana grown on earth, but you can never stop being gay,
stupid and bankrupt morally and fiscally.
And, if your so brave, fearless and bright, why aren't you over in
doing duty ???? Yeah, i guessed it, you suffer from a deformed
2007-11-24 00:51:25 UTC
yes, i suffer from a deformd anus alright and it is you...hahhahahhaha
america is capitalist mostly, not socialist. in fact, if we could have
most of our taxes back, we all could afford healthare....
the united states owns most of our debt to ourselves. we could simply
cancel it if we really chose to. you idiot socialists, wth your
hatefull government give away programs have CAUSED americas debt.

"Fighting for Truth, Justice, and the American Way"
